The Games Room
The Games Room.iso
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Text File
887 lines
│ │
│ │
│ A multi faceted entertainment │
│ │
│ package for adults. │
│ │
┌─────┴───┐ │
──│ │o │──────────────────
│ ┌─────┴╨──┐ │ Association of
│ │ │─┘ Shareware
└───│ o │ Professionals
──────│ ║ │────────────────────
└────╨────┘ MEMBER
Version 2.25D
Copyright 1985 - 1989
Donald L. Granger
Glencoe Computing
All rights reserved
GET LUCKY! license provisions .................2
The ShareWare concept .........................2
Enhancements provided with paid version .......3
Sharing .......................................3
System requirements ...........................3
Start-up ......................................4
Backing up GET LUCKY! .....................4
Installation ..............................4
Running GET LUCKY! ........................5
General .......................................5
Press & Enter .............................5
Prompt Lines ..............................5
The GET LUCKY! Main Menu ..................5
Quitting GET LUCKY! .......................6
Rounds ....................................6
Trivia Basics .................................6
Description of questions ..................6
The TIMER feature .........................6
Question management .......................6
Regular Trivia ................................7
Questions .................................7
Scoring ...................................7
Quick exit ................................7
Poker Basics ..................................7
Hand ranking ..............................7
Tie breaking ..............................8
Why two full decks ........................8
Mode of play ..............................8
Poker Machine .................................9
Description ...............................9
Paybacks ..................................9
Statistics ................................9
Adult Versions ................................9
Set Up ....................................9
Player names & sex .......................10
Clothing selection .......................10
Free items ...........................10
Penalties ................................10
Rewards ..................................11
Status screen ............................11
End of game ..............................11
Utilities ....................................11
Configuration ............................12
GET LUCKY! Editor ........................12
Error Messages ...............................12
Problems .....................................13
Ordering Information .........................14
GET LUCKY! license provisions:
Get Lucky! is the copyrighted property of Donald L. Granger,
Glencoe Computing. You are granted a limited license to use
Get Lucky! for evaluation purposes, and to copy and
distribute it, provided the following conditions are met:
1. No fee may be charged for such copying and distribution
other than a reasonable distribution fee.
2. Get Lucky! may ONLY be distributed in its original,
unmodified state complete with data files and documentation.
3. Get Lucky! may not be distributed as part of a package or
group of programs.
4. You may not make any changes or modifications to this
CompuServe EMAIL 72416,1362
If you paid a "public domain" vendor for this program, you
paid for their service of copying and distributing the
program, and not for the program itself. None of these
proceeds ever get to the author of this product. You may
evaluate this product, but if you make use of it, you should
register your copy.
The ShareWare Concept
The ShareWare concept is an attempt to provide quality soft-
ware at low cost. The cost of offering a new product by
conventional channels is staggering, and hence dissuades
many independent authors and small companies from developing
and promoting their ideas. ShareWare is an attempt to de-
velop a marketing channel where products can be introduced
at low cost.
If the ShareWare concept works, then everyone benefits. The
user will benefit by receiving quality products at low cost,
and by being able to "test drive" software before purchasing
it. The author benefits by being able to enter the commer-
cial software arena without first needing large sources of
venture capital. But it can only work with your support.
We're not just talking about Get Lucky! here, but about all
user supported software. If you find that you are still us-
ing a program after a couple of weeks, then pretty obviously
it is worth something to you, and you should register.
Member, Association of Shareware Professionals
Enhancements provided with paid version:
Registered* users will receive, along with Peace Of Mind:
Larger question file
A new question file containing 1500+ new questions.
The latest version of GET LUCKY!
Any additions and enhancements will be provided.
The GET LUCKY! Editor
The GET LUCKY! Editor allows user customizing of the
clothing list, penalties and rewards.
Resetting of the question pointer.
Resetting of the Poker Machine statistics.
User support and assistance is offered to all
registered users.
You are encouraged to share GET LUCKY! with others, but
PLEASE NOTE: If you share GET LUCKY! be sure to use the
distribution master copy and not the copy installed on
your machine.
System requirements:
GET LUCKY! is written in Microsoft QuickBASIC. System
requirements are 192K memory, 1 DS diskette drive (en-
hanced version requires 2 360K diskette drives, 1 AT sytle
1.2 meg diskette drive, 1 720K 3.5" diskette drive or a fixed
disk), and IBM Color Graphics Adapter, Enhanced Graphics
Adapter or equivalents (program does NOT require a color
GET LUCKY! makes full use of color when run with a color
**** NEW! Effective NOW: GET LUCKY! is available
on 3.5" micro-diskette for use with PS/2 and other
systems utilizing this media. The entire program and
data files will be on one 720K disk eliminating the need
for 2 drives. GET LUCKY! is also available on one high
density AT style 1.2 meg diskette.
* Requires a minimum registration of $24.99 to qualify
Backing up GET LUCKY! -
It is strongly suggested that you make a backup
copy of your master GET LUCKY! files. Do this by
inserting your original GET LUCKY! diskette in drive
A: and a blank formatted diskette in drive B: (for
single floppy systems refer to the DOS manual for
the correct procedure to make backups). Enter the
DOS command
COPY A:*.* B: [enter]
or DISKCOPY A: B: [enter]
Store your original GET LUCKY! diskette in a safe
place (just in case).
Installation -
GET LUCKY! can be run from either floppy or fixed
disk systems. To install GET LUCKY! onto a fixed
disk insert a diskette containing a copy of the
master program and data files into drive A:, switch
to the directory of your fixed disk that you wish
to run the program from and enter the DOS command:
COPY A:*.* C:
Use the appropriate drive designator if yours is
other than C:. IMPORTANT: All GET LUCKY! files
must be located in the same directory! (Note: if
you have the Enhanced version you will need to re-
peat the above process for the diskette containing
the question file.)
If you are using a floppy system and wish to have
the question file in drive B: and the program in
drive A: you can do this, but only after GET LUCKY!
has been re-configured with the Utilities option of
the main program (see Utilities below). Until that
time all files must be on the same diskette in the
default drive. The file B-WARE.DAT MUST always be
on the diskette that is in the default drive. For
more information on selecting the default drive see
the DOS manual.
If you have the Enhanced version of GET LUCKY! on
360K diskettes it will already be pre-configured
to have the question file in drive B:. This is neces-
sary due to the large size of this file. 1.2 meg and
720K diskettes contain all files on one.
Monitor Type:
On start-up GET LUCKY! checks your hardware configu-
ration and attempts to select the best display mode
for your system. If you are having difficulty
reading the screens, or you have a color system and
GET LUCKY! is in B&W mode this can be overridden by
using the Utilities option from the main menu.
Running GET LUCKY! -
With the program and supporting files in the de-
fault diskette drive (or the current directory for
fixed disk systems), at the DOS prompt type:
GETLUCKY [enter]
Press & Enter -
Throughout this documentation, and while playing
GET LUCKY! 'Press' and 'Enter' have the following
PRESS - just press the key corresponding to
your response.
ENTER - press the key(s) corresponding to your
response and then press [enter] key.
Prompt Lines -
When GET LUCKY! is waiting for an input you will be
prompted (usually across the bottom of the screen)
for your response. The available choices will be
listed with the first letter enclosed in (). You
make your selection by pressing the highlighted
letter. Example prompt:
(C)ontinue (R)eport (E)xit
Press C to continue, R to view the report, or E to
exit the current activity.
The GET LUCKY! Main Menu -
There are 6 different sections or modules included
with your GET LUCKY! package, they are:
These choices are displayed on the GET LUCKY! main
menu and are selected by pressing their correspond-
ing number.
Quitting GET LUCKY! -
GET LUCKY! can be exited by pressing (Q)uit from the
Main Menu.
Failure to do so may prevent the data files from
being updated causing duplication of some questions
on the next game.
Rounds -
The games are played in 'rounds'. In two player
games a round is one question or hand for each
player, in one player games a round is each ques-
tion or hand.
Trivia Basics:
Description of questions -
Questions are drawn from 5 categories; General
Knowledge, Sports & Recreation, Science & Nature,
Sex Related and Entertainment. Questions are dis-
played on the screen followed by possible answers
numbered 1 - 4. The player enters their guess (or
when using the TIMER simply presses the correspond-
ing numbered key) and the round continues.
Two questions are asked before proceeding to the
next category, but not necessarily during the same
The TIMER feature -
Trivia games either use or offer to use a question
timer. After a brief period to read the question
the TIMER begins ticking down. If the player does
not press their guess before time runs out the
round is scored as a miss.
Question management -
At the termination of a game the last question
asked is saved, subsequent games will begin with
the next unused question. When the end of the
question file is reached the program loops to the
first question. (The optional GET LUCKY! Editor al-
lows forced resets). If GET LUCKY! is not exited as
described above you may experience duplication of
some questions.
Regular Trivia:
Questions -
This version is available for either one or two
players. Trivia questions are displayed as de-
scribed above, but the timer is always used. After
a brief delay for reading the question the timer
begins ticking away 10 seconds and is stopped when
you enter your guess. There are 20 rounds per
Scoring -
At the end of the game two results are reported,
accuracy and score. Accuracy is the percentage of
questions answered correctly and score is this per-
centage weighted for the time taken to answer. A
player rating is also given. The scoring report
also notes each player's high accuracy and high
score for each session.
Quick exit -
Regular Trivia may be exited at any time by press-
ing 'Q' in place of the answer to a question.
Poker Basics:
Hand ranking -
Normal poker hand ranking is used in GET LUCKY! with
the following hierarchy:
Straight flush
4 of a kind
Full house
3 of a kind
2 pair
1 pair
A minimum ranking of 1 pair -JACKS- is required for
all hands to be considered valid, all lower hands
will be consider 'busts' and will not be scored.
Aces count high with the exception of straights
where they are counted either High or Low to the
advantage of the player.
Tie breaking -
In the event of players having equally ranking
hands the winner is decided first by the value of
rank and then by the next highest non ranking card.
1. Player 1 - 2 pair ( 7's & 4's)
Player 2 - 2 pair ( 7's & 2's)
Winner = Player 1
2. Player 1 - 3 of a kind ( 6's w/ Jack high)
Player 2 - 3 of a kind ( 6's w/ King high)
Winner = Player 2
In the unlikely event that both players are equal
in ranking, value and high card the round is con-
sidered a draw. GET LUCKY! does not check past the
first high card.
Why two full decks -
Normally the players in Poker are unable to know
what is in their opponents hand, this is not
practical in a computer version (although you can
ask you opponent to turn their head). The use of
two full decks minimizes this difference by offer-
ing each player equal chances of obtaining any hand
with no benefit given to knowing which cards are
Mode of play -
At the start of each round five cards are graphi-
cally dealt across the top of the screen, you may
Stand by pressing 'S', or mark the cards you wish
to keep by pressing the number corresponding to
their position in the hand. To keep the first and
fifth cards dealt press 1 & 5. The word KEEP ap-
pears above the selected cards. If you wish to de-
select a card simply press the corresponding number
key again. If you wish to change all of your se-
lections press 'C' to Clear all of the KEEPs. When
you're satisfied press 'D' to deal the drawn cards.
Pressing 'D' without KEEPing any cards will deal a
new 5 card hand.
Poker Machine:
Description -
This version simulates the poker machines found in
many casinos and taverns. Place your bet by press-
ing the number of coins you wish to wager (1 TO 5).
You will be dealt a hand and given the chance to
draw new cards or stand as described above. Pay-
backs are based on the amount bet and are displayed
on the payback chart below the cards. The top
STATUS LINE of the screen displays a running total
of the amounts bet and won as of the last hand
played. These figures are reset to 0 each time a
new session of Poker Machine is started.
Paybacks -
The Poker Machine payback schedule:
1 Pair - Free Play
2 Pair - 2 to 1
3 Of A Kind - 3 to 1
Straight - 5 to 1
Flush - 7 to 1
Full House - 9 to 1
4 Of A Kind - 24 to 1
Straight Flush - 99 to 1
Royal Flush - Progressive Jackpot
The amounts shown on the Poker Machine payback list
include the return of the original bet.
Statistics -
The statistics option is like opening the back of
the Poker Machine and viewing it's status regis-
ters. The screen displays the frequency count for
all possible hands along with the total number of
coins bet and the number of coins paid back. A
'House Percentage' for paybacks to players is
shown. If this figure is greater than 100%, the
Poker Machine is losing. These are running totals
that cannot be reset without the GET LUCKY! Editor
Adult Versions:
Set Up -
The 'Adult' versions will require a certain amount
of preparation. It is first and foremost recom-
mended that you play the game with a loved one (or
someone you would like to love). You will need to
have a supply of your favorite libation on hand
along with a small to moderate sized vessel to be
used for DRINKing. You should also prepare for the
dreaded 'IMBIBE' penalty (see 'Penalties' below).
A little candlelight and music may not hurt either!
GET LUCKY! Page 10
Player names & sex -
Before play can begin, GET LUCKY! needs to know each
player's name and sex. You are first prompted to
enter your name, enter anything you want with the
exception that spaces are not allowed. If a space
is entered the name will truncated at the location
of the first space encountered. Names are limited
to 11 characters in length.
You will then be prompted for your sex, press
(M)ale or (F)emale, all other responses will be ig-
nored. You are then asked to confirm your entries.
Press (Y)es or (N)o. If your response is No then
the entries will clear and you can begin over.
Clothing selection -
You will be displayed a screen showing the clothing
selections for your sex (the optional GET LUCKY!
Editor allows customizing of the clothing lists).
Use the arrow keys to move the highlight next to an
item that you have on and then type "X", repeat
this until all items worn have been marked. Plac-
ing the highlight over an item previously marked
and pressing [Space] will unmark the item. When
you have finished your selections press "Q" to quit
the selection process. You will then be asked to
confirm your selections (Y or N). Note: You are
limitted to 12 clothing items and will not be allowed
to select more.
Free items -
In the event that one player has on more clothing
items than the other, an appropriate number of FREE
items (called FREEBIES) will be added to the short-
handed player's list. (After all this is only fair)
Penalties -
At the end of each round the loser is assessed a
penalty. This may involve stripping, drinking,
imbibing (explained later), or performing a task.
Stripping -
The screen will inform you that it is time to
remove a garment -- Take it off!
Drinking -
The loser must drink a vessel of libation.
Imbibe -
Also included is the IMBIBE penalty (you may
or may not consider it a penalty). This is
the equivalent of a wild card that will be
left up to your own imagination. For example,
if you are using shots of margaritas for the
DRINK penalty, you could use a straight shot
of Tequila for the IMBIBE.
GET LUCKY! Page 11
Tasks -
As a penalty you may be required to perform a
certain TASK (user definable with the optional
GET LUCKY! editor).
NOTE: Unless instructed otherwise you should not
proceed to the next round of play until all
Penalties have been served.
Rewards -
The winner may (but not always) be granted a reward
for fine play. Rewards include getting back lost
clothing and special privileges... or just a 'pat
on the back' for good play.
Status screen -
The game status report screen is available at the
end of each round by pressing [R]eport. The screen
displays the round number, each player's win per-
centage, and a clothing list indicating which items
should still be on and which ones should be on the
End of game -
Adult versions of GET LUCKY! end when one player is
out of clothes. Optionally you may press (E)xit at
the end of any round to end the game. The End Of
Game Summary is displayed upon ending.
| ********** DON'T DRINK / IMBIBE & DRIVE ********** |
GET LUCKY! Page 12
Selecting this option from the Main Menu will bring up
the Utilities Menu.
Configuration -
You will be asked to choose if you want GET LUCKY!
to use color or B&W for its displays. This choice
will override the built in screen display selection
of GET LUCKY! and will remain in effect until reset
by re-configuring. You place GET LUCKY! in it's
default mode by pressing [A]uto select.
You will then be asked if you wish to change the
drive where GET LUCKY! looks for the question file.
Press the corresponding letter for the drive you
wish to use or [enter] to use the default drive.
Please configure GET LUCKY! to use Auto Select for
displays and the default drive for questions prior
to distribution. Failure to do this may prevent
the program from running properly on some systems.
GET LUCKY! Editor -
The optional Editor is a stand alone program. Doc-
umentation for this feature is supplied with the
Enhanced version.
Error Messages:
Every effort has been made to prevent run-time errors,
but some user errors cannot be controlled by the pro-
grammer, some of these are:
Unable to locate data file G-LUCKY.DAT:
GET LUCKY! is unable to find this file in the de-
fault drive. This file CANNOT be relocated and
MUST be on the same diskette (or in the same direc-
tory on fixed disk systems) as GETLUCKY.EXE.
Unable to locate data file GL-QUEST.DAT:
GET LUCKY! is unable to find the question file. Be
sure that it is located in the drive specified in
the Utilities Set-up, or in the default drive.
DISK DRIVE is not ready:
This error usually means that the drive door is not
closed, or that there is no diskette loaded in the
drive. Remedy the problem and press [enter].
GET LUCKY! needs to write to a diskette that has a
write protect tab installed.
There is not enough memory available for GET LUCKY!
to run. If you have memory resident programs try
starting the computer without them.
GET LUCKY! Page 13
Due to unexplainable causes, the sound features
of GET LUCKY! will not always function when Borland's
TURBO LIGHTNING is running. The program will run
properly but there will be no sound. If a cure
is found it will be incorporated in future re-
leases of GET LUCKY!.
There is an incompatibility problem with Mark
Horvatich's NEWFONT v4.10 that may cause an ILLEGAL
FUNCTION CALL error to be displayed. This is a prob-
lem with NEWFONT and not with GET LUCKY!. If this occurs
unload NEWFONT or re-boot your system W/O NEWFONT.
Mr. Horvatich informs me he is working on a fix and
future versions of NEWFONT hopefully will not cause a
There are occasional problems with Get Lucky! when
UltraVision is active. If you encounter peculiar
behavior try deactivating UltraVision. The following
batch file is a suggestion:
\uvpath\UV OFF
\uvpath\UV ON
Replace "uvpath" with your directory path to UV.COM
Please notify the author of any other problems
encountered. Please include any error message and
as many details as possible.
Registration Form
Get Lucky! Registration Form 2.25d
Telephone Orders (314) 458-2863 (evenings)
1100 Highway C
Glencoe, Missouri
NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: ___/___/___
ADDRESS: ______________________________________
CITY: ______________________________________
STATE: ______________ ZIP: _________-_______
PHONE: (____)____-________(in case there's a question about your order)
Registrations of $24.99 will receive the Enhanced Version.
International (except Canada) orders please add $3.00 for shipping.
Be sure to make payment in US funds ($).
Where did you obtain your copy of Get Lucky! ?: ________________________
Computer _______________ Video adapter _______________ Fixed disk? ____
Type of media desired: 5 1/4" floppy:_____ 3 1/2" micro:_____
NOTE: Please add $1.50 for 3 1/2" disks.
| |
| Act #____________________________________ Ex Date ___/___ |
| |
| Signature required for credit cards ___________________________ |
AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $____________
| * * * DO NOT MARK HERE * * *
Your support is greatly appreciated.|
| Serial # _______________________
Donald Granger | Version ______________________
10-89 | Ship date_______________________
Please allow 1-2 weeks delivery time
Software Library Information:
This disk copy provided as a service of
The Public (Software) Library
We are not the authors of this program, nor are we associated
with the author in any way other than as a distributor of the
program in accordance with the author's terms of distribution.
Please direct shareware payments and specific questions about
this program to the author of the program, whose name appears
elsewhere in this documentation. If you have trouble getting
in touch with the author, we will do whatever we can to help
you with your questions. All programs have been tested and do
run. To report problems, please use the form that is in the
file PROBLEM.DOC on many of our disks or in other written for-
mat with screen printouts, if possible. The P(s)L cannot de-
bug programs over the telephone.
Disks in the P(s)L are updated monthly, so if you did not get
this disk directly from the P(s)L, you should be aware that
the files in this set may no longer be the current versions.
For a copy of the latest monthly software library newsletter
and a list of the 1,000+ disks in the library, call or write
The Public (Software) Library
P.O.Box 35705 - F
Houston, TX 77235-5705
(713) 665-7017